Project Name
Incheon Airport Art Hub Art Storage Facility Development Project
Project Implementer
ARSHEXA Freeport Inchon Airport PFV. Co., Ltd.
(CEO Song Moon-seok)

Project Site
Incheon International Airport Winter Equipment Depot Northern Area
(2959 and 3233 Unseo-dong, Jung-gu, Incheon)

Future Plans
3-Stage Development Plan for Art Hub

Stage 1 Development
Art Storage Facility
Prioritize the development of an integrated art storage facility to proactively secure various benefits that can lead to the success of the entire project.
Focus during development
① Preemptively capturing demand for overseas art storage business
② Meeting demand for on-site facilities
③ Developing and linking necessary services
Stage 2 Development
Auction House, Art Fair,
Gallery, Art Museum
Performing functions and securing identity as an art-focused complex through the development of various art facilities.
Enhancing the attractiveness of the entire complex and improving its status through the development of a final anchor facility, an art museum.

Architectural Outline
Project Name Incheon Airport Art Hub Art Storage Facility Development Project
Usage Main purpose (transportation facility, warehouse facility)
Scale 1 basement floor / 4 floors above ground
Land Area 43,669.50㎡ (13,210 pyeong)
Total Floor Area 95,033.00㎡ (28,748 pyeong)
Building Coverage Ratio 47.59%
Floor Area Ratio 171.81%

Facility Coverage

Design Narrative